Baby Sheep Quilt Block

This no-sew quilt block is easy to attached to a quilted background. Add beads, yarn, ribbon and thread to turn your child's drawing into a fun, 3-dimensional quilt block that makes for great baby quilt ideas.

Two 8" x 10" sheets of Treasure Tape
Diamond Beadlets
Kreinik #12 Braid in 012 Purple, 093 Star Mauve
Green checked satin 1/4" ribbon
Pom-pom yarn or rick-rack
White lacy thin ribbon
One button for an eye
Design printed on fabric sheet (8 1/2" x 11")


1. Remove the white backing from an 8x10 sheet of Treasure Tape. Lay the fabric piece on the sticky tape, with the printed side facing the tape. Smooth out any bubbles.

2. Turn your fabric piece over and remove the red liner exposing the top sticky area.

3. Lay the green ribbon and white lacy ribbon all around the edge of the fabric piece, pressing into the tape to adhere. Add a thin border of #12 Braid 012.

4. Use the #12 Braid in color 012 Purple to make swirls or curly q's around the sheep figure in the background.

5. Decorate the sheep by outlining it with the pom-pom yarn (leave an opening for the nose/eye area). Fill in the sheep's body with #12 Braid 093 laid in random pattern. Place a button on the sheep's face for an eye.

6. Lay the green ribbon back and forth on the tape to create the feet. Press the ribbon into the tape to make sure it adheres.

7. When thread decorating is complete, lay your design in a shallow pan or tray and cover all remaining sticky areas with Diamond Beadlets.

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